Business woman checking agenda

Event program

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General information

For this training course we are using the following software tools:

  1. Basecamp – project management collaboration
  2. Mentimeter – live polling
  3. Miro – online whiteboard
  4. MS Teams – video chat


Click on the lost password option in the log-in page. Afterwards, you will be asked to input your email address so you can reset your password.

Please visit the Community page, here you can see all participants and contact them directly. But you can also write on the public feed to just say hello or make a request.

The course will only be conducted in English. Translation will not be covered by the Secretariat.

There is a list of all resource persons who agreed to receive contact request from you. 

Your readings can be saved in your personal computers. However, we prohibit the downloading and sharing of our video-lectures and exclusive podcast episodes to non-participants.

Technical support

If you have a technical problem or any technical questions, please send an email to We'll get back to you as soon as we can.